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4 Signs of a Faulty AC Pressure Switch in Woodbridge, VA

Your home’s air conditioning system keeps you cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. A faulty AC pressure switch can cause various problems, so it’s important to know the signs yours in Woodbridge, VA, is faulty. Here are some common signs of a faulty AC pressure switch:

AC Compressor Doesn’t Turn On

One of the most common signs of a faulty AC pressure switch is that the air conditioning compressor doesn’t turn on. The AC compressor is responsible for circulating the refrigerant in the air conditioner. When the pressure in the AC system is too high or too low, the pressure switch will prevent the compressor from turning on.

AC Compressor Turns On and Off Rapidly

If the AC pressure switch is faulty, it may cause the compressor to turn on and off rapidly. This is short-cycling. It can cause the AC system to work inefficiently and increase wear and tear on the compressor. To prevent higher cooling costs, schedule an AC repair immediately.

AC System Blows Warm Air

If the AC pressure switch is stuck in the open position, it can cause the air conditioner to blow warm air. The pressure switch turns off the compressor when the pressure in the system is too low. Schedule an AC repair right away to find and fix the issue.

AC System Has High or Low-Pressure Readings

Another sign of a faulty AC pressure switch is high- or low-pressure readings in the air conditioner. A faulty AC pressure switch can cause the pressure in the system to be too high or too low, which can lead to various problems with the air conditioner.

The AC pressure switch is an important component of your air conditioner. If you notice any of these signs, have a professional inspect your AC system to determine if the pressure switch is the problem. Contact Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule your AC service appointment. We’ll provide you with the comfort and quality service you deserve.

Image provided by iStock

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