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How to Improve Comfort During the Winter

There’s nothing better than coming home to a warm home when it’s cold outside. In Northern Virginia, though, the winter can vary drastically and make it tricky to heat your home. Improving comfort in your Fairfax, Virginia, home during the winter starts with regular HVAC maintenance.

Invest in Regular Maintenance

You shouldn’t think of HVAC maintenance as a costly expense. Instead, you should view it as an investment in a very valuable asset. Regular HVAC maintenance maximizes a heating system’s operational efficiency. As a result, it:

  • Prevents energy waste and lowers utility bills
  • Eliminates uncomfortable hot and cold spots
  • Reduces the risk for a costly heating repair
  • Extends the life of your heating system

Change the Air Filter Regularly

The number-one thing you can do to improve comfort during the winter is to change your furnace’s air filter regularly. A dirty filter makes it hard for the furnace to heat your home. A clogged filter increases strain on your heating system, which increases heating expenses.

Ideally, you should change the filter once every 45 days. If you have pets, change it once a month. Pet dander sticks to the filter and clogs it. Changing it once every 30 days ensures the furnace can heat your home efficiently and maintain healthy indoor air quality.

Invest in Electric Radiant Heating

Install an electric radiant heater in the garage to keep it warm during the winter. This type of heater usually comes with a remote control, making it simple to adjust the temperature. Keeping the garage warm is excellent if you want to use the space during the colder months to perform car repairs or to use it as a workshop. The bigger the heater, the more space it’ll be able to heat.

Do you want to improve comfort in your home this winter? Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning offers HVAC maintenance services that can help. Contact us today at 703-783-0145 to ensure your home feels comfortable when the temperatures drop below freezing.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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