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Explaining the Importance of Your AC Filter

You’ve probably heard about the importance of keeping your air conditioner filter clean and free of clogs. But do you know why your AC filter is important? Discover why the filter is so important to how your air conditioner in Alexandria, VA, works.

Maintain a High Level of AC Efficiency

One of the chief issues causing your air conditioner to lose its efficiency is a restriction on the airflow. Without a filter, airborne contaminants flood the system, restricting airflow at the evaporator coil, circulating fan and the ducts. Simply using a proper AC filter for your system helps ensure it continues operating at its designed efficiency.

Reduce Air Conditioning Repairs

When the air cannot flow freely through your air conditioner, it increases the strain your system experiences. Due to the excessive strain, the components of your air conditioner wear more quickly, leading to air conditioning repairs. A quality AC filter removes many of the airborne contaminants that will clog the interior of your air conditioner.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

When you have an abundance of contaminants floating through your air, you have poor air quality. This leads to increased asthma and allergy symptoms, plus additional cleaning around your home.

Neglecting your AC filter contributes to worsening air quality. Keep it in good condition by replacing it routinely when it becomes visibly dirty. Check it monthly and vacuum the dirt from the intake side to extend its service life.

Extend the AC system’s Service Life

Allowing airborne contaminants to flow freely throughout the air conditioner bogs down the entire system. This may cause catastrophic problems in as few as five years or less, depending on your overall air quality. However, keep a quality AC filter in place and get annual maintenance, and your system should last at least 10-15 years.

Beyond your air filters, your air conditioner needs maintenance to continue serving your home effectively. Call to schedule your air conditioner maintenance with the expert service technicians at Brennan’s Heating & Air Conditioning today.

Image provided by iStock

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